The Mini Excel High Expansion Foam Generator is an extremely lightweight, one-man portable generator that is available in a choice of either Standard models, designed for use in conjunction with In-Line Foam Inductors (such as the Delta Z225) or in a Self-Inducing format designed to induce foam direct from the drum.
Both options simply require a pressurised water supply and synthetic foam concentrate to operate. Powered by a bronze pelton wheel, the Mini Excel is capable of producing very large volumes of hi-ex foam very quickly and extremely efficiently.
Manufactured in the UK, the Mini Excel is available with either Hi-Viz Yellow or International Orange glass fibre reinforced case, corrosion resistant pipework, gunmetal pelton wheel and nylon foam net. An optional 30m expandable polythene foam ducting is also available. A dual purpose model is available with the additional capability of extracting smoke via a 6 metre length of smoke extraction ducting. Optional stainless steel Mini Excels, suited to harsh environments, are included within the range.
The Mini Excel is available with a wide choice of inlet fittings for compatibility to existing hose lines.