Delta Fire are delighted to announce our relocation to brand new, custom built facilities in support of our ongoing expansion plans and commitments in achieving a carbon-neutral environmental footprint within our future business activities.
With the primary aim of becoming one of the most environmentally responsible suppliers within the global fire sector our new multi-million pound facility has been designed to a strict environmental brief and we firmly believe we will be able to claim that our new HQ will be operationally carbon neutral by late 2022.
The south facing roof of our new facility is fitted with no less than 324 solar panels that will provide 115kw of green energy. Our heating and air conditioning is provided via air-sourced heat pumps that provide a typical efficiency ratio of 3:1 allowing us to generate over 300kw of heat energy. During the colder winter months any additional electricity required will be sourced from 100% renewable suppliers.
This new investment includes additional state-of-the-art CNC machining centres serviced by robots to maximise efficiencies.
We believe we will be the only manufacturer who can claim that their manufacturing processes will be run by solar-powered robots and CNC machines. Our new facility is also fully insulated to the very latest and highest possible standards ensuring that the green energy we produce is used as efficiently as possible.
Our new address has now changed to Delta Fire Ltd, Broadland Business Park, Norwich, NR7 0FE . Our telephone numbers and email addresses have remained unchanged.