b'11 www.deltafire.co.uk FIRE NOZZLE FITTINGS British & InternationalAll Delta Nozzles can be supplied with a wide range of International inlet fittings for compatibility to existing hose lines to meet the requirements of our customers around the world, including Instantaneous, BSP, Storz, Nakajima, Machino, Norlas, American NH, Barcelona, Gost, Rotta, Guillemin, SMS, UNI, Nunan & Stove etc. ON-OFFPROFILEDPTFE TOP HATLOW EXPANSIONCONTROL HANDLEBALL VALVEFOAM TUBEThe Pro-Series range incorporates anAll Delta nozzles incorporate a speciallyThe Attack Pro incorporates friction- Available as an optional extra, Delta ergonomically designed flow control handleprofiled stainless steel ball valve designed toresistant PTFE bearings on the controlAttack Pro Low Expansion Foam Tubes are that is designed to allow enhanced clearanceminimise jet-reaction, making them ideal forhandle spindles to ensure wear is minimisedcompatible for use on the Attack 100 and between the nozzle body handle in anypulsing techniques when combatting during use. Test results on a repetitive action500 Pro Series nozzles and allows users operating position when using a glovedflash-over risks in compartment firesimulation unit, carried out to replicateto fight fires orblanket flammable liquid hand. Manufactured from high-impactscenarios. The unique profiled shape subtlymany thousands of operations of the controlspills requiring foam applications. Quickly materials, the control handle will absorbchanges the flow dynamics, ensuring smoothhandle, show that this innovative additionand easily fitted and removed by means of impact when dropped or dragged and allowsoperator control and enhanced safety. contributes to a significant reduction in wear,a unique double-lock sliding clamp system, for smooth flow control in all operationalextending the service life of the nozzle andAttack Pro Foam Tubes provide excellent situations.reducing the need for maintenance.foam discharge performance.'