The Delta Prima Units provide the equivalent fire power of 40 x standard foam extinguishers and are widely used by Professional Fire Services around the world.
In many flammable liquid spill situations, portable foam or dry powder extinguishers are simply inadequate due to low application rates and short run times that can often lead to fires getting out of control before help arrives. The Prima Units are a highly effective means of controlling the fire rapidly providing high volumes of low or medium expansion foam suppressing the fire or blanketing the spill.
Simple connection to a pressurised water supply, such as a hydrant or hose reel, allows the user to apply rapid, first attack on a wide range of risk scenarios. The Prima’s will still perform even at inlet pressures as low as 2 bar – at just 3½ bar the LX Prima produces a throw of 6½ metres.
Available in either low expansion (Prima LX), medium expansion (Prima MX) or dual function (Prima LX/MX) options the Prima’s are ideally suited to Car Ferry Decks, Flammable Liquid Stores, Fuel Loading Racks, Boiler & Engine Rooms, Paint/Solvent Stores or any location where hosereels are present such as Hotels, Hospitals, Manufacturing Facilities etc.